FLORIST (Brooklyn US, Double Doubly Whammy)
Montag, 16. Januar 2023
Einlass 19:00, Beginn 20:00
Support: Carsick Charlie
Tickets / Event
Florist began as the friendship project of Emily Sprague, Rick Spataro, and Jonnie Baker in Upstate, NY. The three started making weird sounds on synths and guitars together as a way to relate, and grew close. Felix Walworth joined as a drummer and collaborator when Emily moved to New York City and continued writing songs with the moniker.
“The most beautiful music I’ve heard in 2022” - NPR’s Bob Boilen
“Recounts the life of her late mother and her own early childhood in a series of vivid, cleareyed snapshots, sung atop a gentle, fingerpicked chord progression” - The New York Times
"Florist’s Emily Sprague is no stranger to imbuing her songs with a certain transcendental nature. On “Red Bird Pt. 2 (Morning),” though, she, along with the rest of Florist, have captured a new level of magic." - Consequence of Sound
Gefödert durch das Programm NEUSTART KULTUR der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) in Kooperation mit der Initiative Musik gGmbH. Mit freundlicher Unterstützung vom Kulturamt der Stadt Köln.